03 Apr 2020

Free Diving: A professional and extreme sport!

We divers  can enjoy the wonders that the  seabed gives us and, without any hurry, we move in the area that we have determined; however, there is another type of diving  where time is vital:   free diving, which since1995 is listed as a professional sport Free diving is considered an extreme diving sport and it […]

17 Mar 2020

Is it important to have a diving insurance?

For different reasons we usually do not contemplate the possibility of taking a diving insurance. However, every day it becomes more necessary to analyze the need to have one, especially now, when it is more frequent to travel outside Costa Rica in order to visit other diving spots. In fact, at  Mundo Acuático, we did […]

20 Feb 2020

Diving with Nitrox

Enriched air for diving Since French engineers Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan developed an underwater breathing system in 1943, humans have been able to learn about the wonders hidden in the seabed. Every year more technology is presented at fairs around the world, improving the different types of diving, including sports, commercial or technical. One […]

Mundo Acuático also organizes diving tours beautiful corners of Costa Rica, México , Panamá, Nicaragua and Honduras.