For different reasons we usually do not contemplate the possibility of taking a diving insurance. However, every day it becomes more necessary to analyze the need to have one, especially now, when it is more frequent to travel outside Costa Rica in order to visit other diving spots.
In fact, at Mundo Acuático, we did a customers’ survey and its result alarmed us: Only 28% of them have a diving insurance, and at the same time, those who do not have one, are also not aware of the benefits that it can provide them.
Therefore, we decided to write this article in which we give you general information about a medical protection program for divers. This information will help you get a better picture of the importance of diving being covered by a diving policy.
Let’s start with the most basic and important thing: A diving policy is purchased primarily as a preventive measure in the event of a possible emergency. No one is exempt from an accident, whether in air, land or water.
The old phrase of “It will never happen to me” is not viable; a “Just in case” is more applicable, since all human beings are, in one way or another, exposed to accidents, and this can also happen when diving.
There are many diving and other water sports insurance companies in Costa Rica. The one we recommend for divers residing in Latin America, and which we have used for the last 30 years, is the DAN World program.
Generally speaking, this diving insurance program covers divers between the ages of 18 and 70, and it also can be purchased by divers of all levels of sports diving, as long as they are not artisanal or commercial.
It is to say, however, that only the person who registers will be entitled to the benefits of the policy. The diving insurance program does not cover other family members.
In case of an emergency in which the person requires the services of the insurance, you just call + 1-919-684-9111; an emergency hotline that operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
An important thing to mention is that, as DAN World is a non-profit association, it is responsible for funding education campaigns, information and promotion of strategies, with the funds raised.
Among the most important benefits that we can receive by having this diving insurance, are:
It is important to underline that, although the policy is annual, if you make any diving trips for longer than 30 consecutive days, you must contact DAN to ask for an extension, as coverage is for that maximum of traveling days.
As additional security resources you can access the online “Alert Diver” magazine in Spanish, a full line of medical information, and an online library containing a lot of information related to diving and health.
Let’s not settle for what we’ve learned in the diving courses. Let’s read and learn more about diving and other water sports that we are passionate about.
In Mundo Acuático we offer you a wide variety of diving courses, as well as tours and diving accessories, and we’ll be glad to help you process your diving policy, at no additional cost! Our satisfaction is that all divers may be always protected.
Encourage yourself to be a prepared diver. The best way to safeguard our security is by taking the necessary precautions, and having medical coverage is definitely one of the most important investments in this regard! Contact us today.
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