11 Aug 2021

Deep Diving, a challenge waiting for you!

Advanced Courses

If you’ve already done your good share of diving, you probably feel like you’re ready for new adventures that involve greater depth. We know that the deeper you dive in, the greater the chances of seeing other types of marine life, walls, or sunken ships. Maybe you’re wondering if you are ready for such an […]

14 May 2021

The importance of having a diving license

Although probably we have never question this before, humans have learned to dive since we were in our mother’s womb, so even if it is at a subconscious level, the lack of gravity is not entirely unknown to us. The state of nature called ‘liquidity’ has always been familiar to us even though we do […]

06 Apr 2021

The Night Diving Challenge

Advanced Courses

When we received our open water diving course we had the opportunity to learn and apply the valuable diving basics. Thanks to that, today we can enjoy the sea bottom safely. After diving for a while, we start to notice our desire to explore more and acquire new knowledge. This is when we begin to […]

Mundo Acuático also organizes diving tours beautiful corners of Costa Rica, México , Panamá, Nicaragua and Honduras.